During pregnancy, irregular blood group antibodies originating either from earlier pregnancies or from blood transfusions may severely affect child health. In this report, a case of maternal alloimmunization to Kell antigen is described.
The mother had a history of partial mole and four repeated intrauterine fetal death due to hydrops fetalis.
Screening of irregular blood group antibodies revealed that she has anti-Kell with the titer of 1:4096. Also in genetic analysis, a C677T homozygous mutation of MTHFR gene was found, which could potentially enhance destructive effects of anti-Kell antibody. The described case emphasizes the importance of being informed about the presence of irregular blood group antibodies during pregnancy which may cause recurrent hydrops.
Key words: Pregnancy, Hydrops, Immunization, Kell antigen
Zarnani A, Mohammadzadeh Kazorgah A, Ghaffari Novin M, Arefi S, Modarresi M, Shokri F, et al . A case report of recurrent hydrops fetalis due to maternal alloimmunization with Kell antigen. Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Organ 2005; 2 (3) :59-64 URL: http://bloodjournal.ir/article-1-27-en.html