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:: Instructions for Authors ::

  Instructions for Authors

Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization Research Center (IBTO-RC) and the Scientific Association of Blood Transfusion publish this journal quarterly in collaboration with  different scientific associations including Anesthesiology and Emergency Care, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Hematology-Oncology, Virology, Iranian Pathologists, Iranian Society of Surgeons, and Bone Marrow Transplantation Research Center. The objectives of this scientific quarterly journal are to promote and disseminate investigations pertinent to the domains of blood donors recruitment and training, screening methods, the appropriate use of blood and blood components, and modern technologies in the field of transfusion sciences and transfusion medicine, all aiming at promoting blood safety.
This journal is indexed by a few international databanks (IMEMR, EBSCO, CINAHL, Index Copernicus) and a few local Iranian databanks (Magiran, SID, Iranmedex, ISC). According to the latest evaluation in 2011 made by Iranian Medical Journals Commission, the Blood Research Quarterly obtained the 1st scientific ranking. Researchers and students can access the published articles through the website address of www.bloodjournal.ir. Interested authors to submit their articles to the journal office should use the website and observe all the instructions. They should first register in the website and enter the submission page by their username and password and follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the journal website
  2. Enter "Article Submission" page
  3. Add the general details of the article based on the electronic slip (the number of authors, the article topic, the article type, the article language)
  4. Register the article data based on the electronic slip
  • The topic in English
  • English abstract
  • English keywords
  • Farsi topic
  • Farsi abstract
  • Farsi keywords
  • Authors details
  • Manuscript main file; prepared according to the requirements that would be stated in "manuscript submission and technical requirements".
  • Manuscript file without authors names and affiliations (optional)
  1. An email will be automatically forwarded to your email address that acknowledges the receipt of your main article. Notice that this does not imply the acceptance of the article.
  2. The corresponding author by referring to their logged-in access page on the journal website can be informed on the latest status of their article and its acceptance or rejection.

Article categories eligible for submission
  1. Articles will be published in The Scientific Journal of Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization Research Center under four categories:
  1. Research article
It should consist of title (Farsi and English), abstract in the minimum number of words (in Farsi and English involving background and objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusions), key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusions, and references.
  1. Review article
It involves the overall study of a new scientific topic. Such articles would be approved for publication if submitted by qualified experts with research experiences in the relevant field with reference made to at least three articles authored by the corresponding author. The article should not exceed 5000 words and the number of references should not be less than 50 and more than 100. Review article should consist of abstract, introduction, materials and methods containing the articles and topics reviewed, new research findings, and conclusions. The abstract acts in fact as the final conclusion of the research. The Review article should not include more than six tables and figures.
  1. Case report
It should contain maximum 1500 words including topic, abstract, case, discussion, conclusions, and references.
4.    Short communication
 It should be in the form of research article, systematic review or ongoing research which reports its interesting findings. The constituents in this type of articles are like those of original one but they are much shorter and prepared in maximum 2000 words. 

General instructions
  1. All articles should be in Farsi language fully in accordance to Farsi grammar and writing patterns. Farsi terms should replace foreign language words. If there is no Farsi equivalent in common use, phonetic writing should apply.
  2. Manuscripts are received with the explicit understanding that they have not previously been published elsewhere nor are they under simultaneous consideration by any other publisher; this point should be confirmed by the corresponding author in writing. Exceptions to this rule are:
2-1) The abstract or the poster presented in a scientific meeting.
    1. The abstract published in international non-local journals in non-Farsi language. In such cases, it is preferable to demand the permission of the publisher with 40% difference of the scientific article contents from the firstly published copy.
In all of the above, the corresponding author is required to address the editor a letter to this effect to with a copy of abstract, poster or the article in the other than Farsi language is attached.
  1. Name, family name, title, and role of all authors should be written in order and all authors should be aware of its submission and publication. The name of the corresponding author should be notified. The corresponding author is legally include the names and family names of co-authors.
  2. The article writing in the present journal lies upon the writing principles of biomedical articles approved of and issued by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in Vancouver.
  3. The patient identity information should not be reflected in writings, images, and genealogies unless they are considered essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or their parents or guardian) sign the written informed consent permitting the publication.
  4. All authors should observe all codes of ethics in clinical and animal studies and the submitted article should bear the approval of the ethics committee issued by the authorized sources and the ethics code should be referred to at the end of the article at “ethical considerations” section. All articles derived from clinical trials and interventional studies over human subjects should be registered in a valid clinical trial site with its registry number to appear at the materials and methods section. 
  5. All names used as abbreviations for the first time in the manuscript, tables, and the like should be added in parenthesis in full.
  6. In case, figures prepared by SPSS or Excel are copy pasted in the Word program, their main sources should be also provided so that the required changes could be made.
  7. The journal is entitled the right to accept or reject or modify the article and if deemed appropriate to inform the author(s) on the revisions.
  8.  The corresponding author should declare any competing interests or loyalties that can be implied as conflicts of interest. At the end of the article, any conflicts should be asserted.
  9.  At the end of the initial submission process, the articles are forwarded to editorial board members. If the article meets the journal requirements in contents and structure, it is further processed and sent to referees. After the referee decisions are obtained, the article is put in the publication waiting list and the corresponding author is informed on it. After the article is published, all relevant documents would not be kept in the journal office more than six months.
  10. The author(s) are held responsible for the accuracy of contents, ideas and opinions posed in the article and the intellectual rights of the author(s) are reserved.  
  11. To enhance the local research projects, it is imperative to give reference to locally published articles pertinent to newly submitted articles.

Preparation of manuscripts
  1. The title should be brief and to the point including the full title and reflecting the content of the study; it should consist of full names of authors and their highest academic degrees (written in MD, PhD, BS, MS forms), field of study, faculty, university, city, country and full postal address with their email and fax numbers. The running title (maximum four words) should be written above the pages.
  2. Abstract
  1. Abstract of the original research should comprise of at least 150 to 250 words including background and objectives, materials and methods, statistical analysis, results, discussion, and conclusions. There should be an English version of the abstract. Farsi and English abstracts should appear as Farsi translation equivalence; the title and author names and affiliations should be in English as well. Key words ranging from 3-6 items should be written according to MeSH list of Index Medicus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html).
  2. Abstracts of review article should be less than 300 words and preferably developed as instructed below:
The aim sought for in review articles is to obtain research resources, the methods of the study including the number of studies conducted and the selection criteria, data analysis, findings and conclusions, primary outcomes, and the clinical applications; just the use of 3 to 6 keywords according to MeSH is allowed.
  1. Case report abstract should not exceed 125 words and should contain the reasons for the research and the research aim together with a brief on clinical findings, important lab abnormalities, the treatment regimen and the outcome; the conclusions in the abstract summarizes findings, the main discoveries, and the reasons for the case uniqueness. Just the use of 3 to 10 keywords according to MeSH is allowed.
  2. The abstract of the short article should be less than 200 words and contain background and aim, materials and methods, findings, conclusions; just the use of 3 to 10 keywords according to MeSH is allowed.
  1. Introduction
Introduction should indicate research objectives and the brief relevant literature review.
  1. Materials and Methods
Materials and methods should deliver the research methodology, case selection criteria and control, research participants' age, gender and other relevant characteristics, the method, lab materials and tools, and statistical analysis.
  1. Ethical policy
The medical codes of research should be observed. The patient anonymity and confidentiality as a principle should be kept in mind. The protection code for human experimentation derived from Declaration of Helsinki on human subjects should be taken into account. The ethical code shall be written down.
  1. Statistical principles
Statistical procedures should be deliberately described, numerical findings and the measurement errors be added, and the treatment complications and side effects and the excluded study subjects be defined.
  1. Findings
Findings should be in text, table, diagram, or image format in the sequence they appeared in the article. There should be no repetitive tables and images. They should be in Farsi language printed in the appropriate section. Tables and figures should be maximum six in number and not larger than 10×15cm in size. They can be placed on separate pages if the order they are referred to is clear.
  1. Discussion
The new significant findings should be compared with what are available in references and the reasons for their approval or denial is discussed. The repetitive findings should be avoided, a brief review of the relevant literature be included, the research limitations be taken into account, new strategies and hypotheses be put forward, and eventually the new findings are compared against the predicted ones.
  1. Conclusions
Conclusion should include the final outcome of the research.
  1. Acknowledgements
All individuals and organizations contributing to the authorship and materials compilation should be acknowledged.
  1. References
References should be written according to their sequence numbered in the text and printed on a separate page. They should be typed based on Vancouver style.
a) Farsi References:
Pourmokhtar M, Jalili  MA, Heidari M. [Biochemistry of Red Blood cell]. 1st ed. Tehran: IBTO; 2008. p. 39-44.
Aminabadi N ,  Shirmohamadi A. Evaluation of Jaws Dimentsion and occlusion of Thalassemic children with permanent Dentition in Tabriz Children Hospital. Shiraz Univ Dent J 2006; 7 (1) : 138-145. [Article in Farsi]

b) English References:
Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, et al, editors. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine. 14th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, Health Professions Division; 1998
Chapter in book:
Porter RJ, Meldrum BS. Antiepileptic drugs. In: Katzung BG, editor. Basic and clinical pharmacology. 6th ed. Norwalk (CN): Appleton and Lange; 1995. p. 361-80.
Russell FD, Coppell AL, Davenport AP. In vitro enzymatic processing of radiolabelled big ET-1 in human kidney as a food ingredient. Biochem Pharmacol 1998 Mar 1;55(5):697-701.

c) Electronics:
Garfinkel PE, Lin E, Goering P. Should amenorrhoea be necessary for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? Br J Psych [serial online] 1996 [cited 1999 Aug 17]; 168(4):500-6. Available from: URL:http://biomed.niss.ac.uk.
It is worth mentioning that if the number of authors is more than six, the et al abbreviation is added after the name of the 6th author.

  1. Symbols and abbreviations
Standard abbreviations should replace full words and terms. All uncommon abbreviations used for the first time should be defined. The abbreviated words are used when their full forms have applied three times in a text.
  1. Manuscripts can also be submitted online at www.bloodjournal.ir.

Email: sjibtoibto.ir             Tel/Fax: +98-21-88601599

Checklist for authors
  1. Article online submission
  2. It should contain:
  • The first page (title page)
  • Authors' names and affiliations
  • Farsi abstract
  • English abstract
  • Article title in English
  • Inclusion of “the ethical code” and “ethical consideration”
  • The research funding
  • Conflict of interest
  • Authors' names and affiliations in English; full details of the corresponding author and their roles in the article
  • Article text
  • References according to the journal style
  • Tables and figures according to the journal style
  • Author publishing agreement completed and signed

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فصلنامه پژوهشی خون Scientific Journal of Iran Blood Transfus Organ
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