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:: Volume 16, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019) ::
Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Organ 2019, 16(3): 186-193 Back to browse issues page
The effect of maximum surgical blood ordering on blood utilization in elective surgeries in 23 hospitals of Shiraz, Iran
Leila Kasraian , Z. Afsar , B. Shirazi , M. Torabi
Keywords: Key words: Blood, Surgery, Blood Transfusion, Hospitals, Iran
Full-Text [PDF 380 kb]   (1054 Downloads)     |   Abstract (HTML)  (3058 Views)
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Blood transfusion medicine
Published: 2019/10/2
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Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Organ 2019; 16 (3): 186-193
Original Article


The effect of maximum surgical blood ordering on blood utilization in elective surgeries in 23 hospitals of Shiraz, Iran
Kasraian L.1,2, Afsar Z.1,2, Shirazi B.3, Torabi M.1,2
1Blood Transfusion Research Center, High Institute for Research and Education in Transfusion Medicine, Tehran, Iran
2Shiraz Blood Transfusion Center, Shiraz, Iran
3School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Background and Objectives
Over ordering of blood in elective surgical procedures due to fear of bleeding and unavailability of sufficient blood can cause blood wastage and increase blood bank expenses. This study compared blood ordering and utilization after the introduction of maximum surgical blood ordering (MSBOS) in elective surgeries.
Materials and Methods
This cross sectional study was carried out on one third of Shiraz hospitals (23 hospitals) between 2016 and 2017, Shiraz, Iran. The localized MSOBs was sent as a guideline to the hospitals. The mean number of blood requests, blood utilization, cross matches, cross match to transfusion ratio, and cross match expenses before and after implementing of MSBOS were compared with paired t test by SPSS-21 software.
The cross match to transfusion ratio was decreased after implementing MSOBS (2.36 to 1.6) (p < 0.001). In addition, the mean numbers of blood usage and cross matches were also decreased after implementing of MSBOS (13.2%, 42.9%). The cost of  preparing blood and cross matches also decreased (7.67%, 43%).
Implementation of MSBOS created a significant reduction in transfusion ordering and providing blood in emergencies. Updating of physician’s knowledge, the revision of MSOBS according to blood usage in the hospitals must be performed for optimal blood management.
Key words: Blood, Surgery, Blood Transfusion, Hospitals, Iran
Received:  4 Jul 2018
Accepted: 6 Jul 2019

Correspondence: Kasraian L., Community Medicine Specialist. Associate Professor of Blood Transfusion Research Center, High Institute for Research and Education in Transfusion Medicine and Shiraz Blood Transfusion Center.
P.O.Box: 1153, Shiraz,  Iran. Tel: (+9871) 6273445; Fax: (+9871) 6264006
E-mail: kasraian@yahoo.com
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Kasraian L, Afsar Z, Shirazi B, Torabi M. The effect of maximum surgical blood ordering on blood utilization in elective surgeries in 23 hospitals of Shiraz, Iran. Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Organ 2019; 16 (3) :186-193
URL: http://bloodjournal.ir/article-1-1214-en.html

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