In this study our aim was to determine HLA-Class I and II antigens freguencies of Hamedani ethnic group. In addition to demographic studies and disease association, it has wide application in bone marrow donor registeries.
Materials and Methods
In order to establish DNA-based HLA typing in central Laboratory of Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, a comparison of serological and molecular (sequence specific primers “SSP”) methods for HLA-DRB has been performed. The study was descriptive and the population under study were selected out of the native people of Hamedan 100 healthy volunteer blood donors were chosen by questionnaire. 10ml heparinized and 3ml EDTA blood were collected from each selected donor. EDTA (PCR) samples were then frozen.
N.I.H standard microlymphocytotoxicity and Nylon wool T and B cells separation was used for serological I and II typing. HLA-Class I plates were prepared from Iranian Blood Fractionation and Research Company and for Class II we used Biotest DR/DQ Typing Trays. PCR was done using “Roche high pure DNA extraction” Kit and HLA-DRBSSP (Biotest). The most and least frequent HLA-B antigens were B5 group (B51/B52) and B16 (38,39) respectively. Because of low resolution of HLA-DRB Kit, no significant difference was observed between serological and PCR methods. Although some blanks have been determined by PCR.
The HLA-DRB determination by PCR is mandatory for donor/recipient pairs (even sibling) for bone marrow transplantation for donors it should be done by high resolution kits.
Amini R, Pourfathollah A, Kamgooyan M, Samiee S. HLA-Class I and II frequencies in ethnic Hamedani people, and the comparison of serological and molecular (PCR) methods for HLA-Class II. Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Organ 2005; 2 (3) :43-52 URL: