Abstract Background and Objectives Transfusion medicine has a particular role as a multipurpose specialty. The risk of transfusion transmitted diseases (TTDs) in blood transfusion is one of the challenges to centers where blood transfusion is practiced. Since blood is only prepared from human as the source material, attention to TTDs in blood donor population is of importance their prevalence rates may indicate of blood safety and infection prevalence in society. Materials and Methods In this retrospective cross-sectional study, 49820 recruited blood donors in Guilan Blood Transfusion Center were examined with census method during 2003-2005. Data of donors including HBsAg, HCVAb, and HIVAb status were extracted from computed profile of primary ELISA screening test. Confirmation tests including neutralization, RIBA and Blot would be performed, if ELISA was positive. Results Among 49820 blood donors after confirmation tests, 225 showed TTDs including HBsAg+, HCVAb+, and HIVAb+. Overall prevalence rates of HBsAg+, HCVAb+, and HIVAb+ were 0.26%, 0.18%, and 0.008%, respectively. The average age of affected subjects was 35.5. 69.3% had donated at blood collection drives, and 77.3% were first-time blood donors. Conclusions TTD prevalence rate in blood donors was 0.4%, much lower than general population. It emphasizes the importance of interviewing and retrieving past medical records as an easy, inexpensive, and reliable screening method for TTDs prevention. � Key words : Blood donation, Transfusion transmitted virus, Hepatitis B, HIV� |